Claflin Hill’s DaVinci Society
Few of us will actually change the course of history but everyone has an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others.
Every day, not for profit organizations throughout the country address society’s health, humanitarian, educational, cultural, social, economic and spiritual needs. By supporting their efforts through charitable giving in our estate plans, we can help assure ourselves and others of a better place to live.
Making a Bequest
One of the ways you can support the Claflin Hill Symphony Orchestra (CHSO) is through a bequest. Most donors don’t immediately think about making bequests and think instead of cash contributions. However, through your will and/or trust, you can contribute securities, real estate, a share in the family business or other assets and obtain tax advantages of designating a charitable organization as the beneficiary. Both large and small bequests enable the CHSO to continue providing services.
Types of Bequest
There are many different types of bequests to choose from:
A general or outright bequest enables you to give a specific amount or percentage of the estate to the Claflin Hill . (Example: “I give Claflin Hill SymphonyOrchestra dollars or % of the total value of my estate.”)
A specific bequest may provide that the CHSO is to receive a specific item of real or personal property if you still own that real estate or personal property at the time of death. (Example: “I give the Claflin Hill Symphony Orchestra my real estate located at 123 Main Street, Anytown, MA”)
A residuary bequest provides that the CHSO is to receive the remainder of your estate after all specific bequests have been made. (Example: “I give the Claflin Hill SymphonyOrchestra all (or %) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate.”)
A contingent bequest provides for the distribution of property to the CHSO in the event one or more of your beneficiaries does not survive you.
A life income bequest can provide the security of a lifetime income for yourself or for loved ones while assuring that resources will be available later for the CHSO .
Recognizing Your Generosity
Although making a will and/or trust is a very personal matter, Claflin Hill would appreciate an opportunity to acknowledge those who so thoughtfully provide for the Claflin Hill Symphony Orchestra in their estates. Supporters who make such provisions are recognizedas members of the Claflin Hill Symphony Orchestra Da Vinci Society, on our website and in other appropriate manners. Provisions made by individuals who prefer to remain anonymous will be privately acknowledged.
On behalf of our musicians, our student musicians and the community, we truly value your support now and we believe that you will want to ensure the future of Claflin Hill by becoming a member of the Claflin Hill Symphony Orchestra Da Vinci Society.
What should you do next?
Talk with your family. Discuss options with your trusted financial adviser.
To learn more, please call Claflin Hill —508.478.5924.