Design Your Unique Business Partnership
Step 1: Choose a level of support.
Luminary $10,000 and up
Major Symphony Concert Sponsor recognized in ALL promotional collateral
FREE inside cover ad for the entire season 8 season tickets AND a Block of 30 tickets on YOUR night
Arrange for Claflin Hill musicians to perform at your business!
Impresario $5,000 - $9,999
Your Company Name and Logo listed as a ‘Major Symphony Concert Sponsor,’ in all flyers and print and radio advertising
Company Name and Logo on CHSO Email “Blast” weekly newsletters to over 1,500 recipients
30 Tickets to the CHSO Event AND 6 Season Ticket Comp Vouchers
Full Page ad in CHSO Program Book for entire calendar year
Listing in CHSO Business Partner List in Program Book for entire calendar year of your sponsorship
Virtuoso $2,500 - $4,999
Your Company Name and Logo listed as a ‘Virtuoso Level Symphony Concert Sponsor,’ in all flyers and print and radio advertising,
Company Name and Logo on CHSO Email “Blast” weekly newsletters to over 1,500 recipients
20 Tickets to the CHSO Event AND 4 Season Ticket Comp Vouchers
Half Page ad in CHSO Program Book for entire calendar year
Listing in CHSO Business Partner List in Program Book for entire calendar year of your sponsorship
Soloist $1,000 - $2,499
Your Company Name and Logo listed as a ‘Participating Symphony Concert Sponsor,’ in all flyers and print and radio advertising,
Company Name and Logo on CHSO Email “Blast” weekly newsletters to over 1,500 recipients
10 Tickets to the CHSO Event AND 2 Season Ticket Comp Vouchers
Quarter Page ad in CHSO Program Book for entire calendar year Listing in CHSO
Business Partner List in Program Book for entire calendar year of your sponsorship
Symphonists $500 - $999
4 free tickets to one concert of your choice*
20% Discount on program book ad
Naming rights on 6 Issues of Sharing Notes e-newsletter sent weekly to 1,500 subscribers.
Maestro’s Circle $200 - $499
2 free tickets to one concert of your choice*
20% Discount on program book ad
All of the above receive listing at the appropriate level on our Business Partner Page in our Program Book.
Step 2: Choose an area of interest
Step 2: Choose an area of interest
The Claflin Hill Symphony Orchestra
A fully professional ensemble presenting 5 concerts each season.
Business partner levels from Soloist through Luminary
(Each concert budget exceeds $25,000 per concert)
Family Night at the Bandstand Sponsor–
Free outdoor summer concerts sponsored by CH Business Partners
Virtuoso Level Only, subject to availability
Claflin Hill Jazz at the Sorrento Series at the Caffé Sorrento in Milford
Claflin Hill Apple Tree Arts Chamber Series in Grafton
* Complimentary tickets not available for Holiday Pops.
Step 3: Multiply your impact.
Be an advocate for Claflin Hill & culture.
Help to spread the word.
Tell your customers about your sponsorship
Share tickets with your employees
Bring business colleagues to concerts Hire CHSO musicians for events.
Step 3: Multiply your impact
Be an advocate for Claflin Hill & culture.
Help to spread the word.
Tell your customers about your sponsorship
Share tickets with your employees
Bring business colleagues to concerts Hire CHSO musicians for events.
Join our board of directors.
Call us today. 508.478.5924
Step 3: Multiply your impact.
Be an advocate for Claflin Hill & culture.
Help to spread the word.
Tell your customers about your sponsorship
Share tickets with your employees
Bring business colleagues to concerts Hire CHSO musicians for events.
Support our work
Donating to the Claflin Hill Orchestral Fund is a wonderful way to support the arts in your community. Your financial contribution helps to provide innovative programming and educational opportunities for aspiring musicians. By donating, you are helping to ensure that classical music remains accessible and enriching for generations to come.